Vulnerable Communities

Sociotechnical systems and increased vulnerability from climate changes in cities

  • Stephanie Pincetl    Professor, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA
  • Kian Goh   Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, UCLA
  • Mark Gold  Associate Vice Chancellor for Environment and Sustainability

Climate changes place increasing stresses on existing sociotechnical systems, both in cities, and those that support cities (e.g. electricity grids, water systems, transport systems, as well as increased heat exposures, increased flooding in cities and more).  We propose a panel that explores how modernist sociotechnical systems – and a lack of such – may enhance human vulnerability in cities due to impacts of a changing climate.

We welcome participants who work on water, energy, housing, urban form and the impacts of modernist sociotechnical systems – or a lack of alternative approaches – impact the health and resilience of urban dwellers.